Why do we get aged?


          Cell is the basic structural and fundamental unit of all living organisms, they are building blocks of an organism. There are two types of cells namely plant cell and Animal cell. A cell is composed of several cell organelles like Nucleus- which is an important unit of cell, that controls all activities of a cell, Mitochondria- it is the power house of the cell as it provides and stores energy, Lysosomes- which are called suicidal bags of the cell, they can digest materials within a cell, Ribosomes - They consist  60%  of RNA and 40% of protein, It helps in protein synthesis (production), etc.   

Why do we get aged?


         A pre-existing cell divides into two or more new cells which is called cell division. Usually a cell divides to replace an old or damaged cell with a new cell. An organism grows due to cell division, there are two types of cell division namely Meiosis and Mitosis. A typical human cell divides 50-70 times until it dies.

Why do we get aged?

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid):

       DNA is a hereditary material (passing genetic information from one generation to another) that contains genetic information, they have two poly nucleotide chains which forms a double helix structure. There are four main components in a DNA they are ATGC (Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine) they form two nitrogenous bases purines(Adenine, Guanine) and pyrimidines (Thymine, Cytosine) in which Adenine always links with Thymine and Guanine always links with Cytosine, they all together form a DNA molecule.

Why do we get aged?

        DNA replication is one of the basic process that occurs within a cell, in this process a DNA molecule produces an exact copy of its own structure.


Why do we get aged?


      Each nucleus of a cell contain 23 pairs of chromosomes which is a thread like structure with two identical strands called sister chromatids. The end of the chromosome is called Telomere, t maintains and provides stability to the chromosome. These chromosomes are composed of coiled DNA.


     The main reason for getting aged is due to the shortening of Telomere during every single cell division. The length of the Telomere reduces after a cell division, when the Telomeres get too shorter our cells cannot reproduce and at last it will die, The shortening of the Telomere starts at the age of 12-13 years. Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for maintenance of the length of the Telomere.


      There are many natural methods to delay shortening of telomere by taking healthy food, good exercises, balanced diet, etc, or by taking man made medicines like TA-65 which is a Telomerase activator.


Why do we get aged?

                                                    "SCIENCE IS ALWAYS SURPRISING"
